Two New Drugs

Berry Pharmaceuticals, LLC, a unique innovative pharmaceutical R&D Texas-based company, is now well positioned to submit two new topical drugs for FDA IND application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The 1st drug is designed to treat

Radiation Dermatitis

There are no FDA drugs approved for this condition. 

The first Berry Pharma drug is a topical treatment for the serious disease Acute Cutaneous “Radiation Dermatitis” (RD)

It is being developed to provide topical management for the following cutaneous conditions: 

Case study

The topical drug was applied on a cancer patient with amazing results

After surgery to remove a tumor near the left tonsil and 33+ radiation treatments, the patient pictured below applied the new topical drug for 10 days. The patient shows severe Radiation Dermatitis which was healed completely with the application of this amazing new topical drug.

BEFORE use of topical drug

The patient’s original reaction was blackened discoloration of the whole radiation damaged neck.

10 days AFTER

The patient’s descriptive wording was “immediate and profound response” to the topical treatment.

“The danger of radiation is always present, whether you’re in orbit, in transit, or on an outer space planetary surface. From mitigation techniques to protection and enclosures, we’re considering this in every environment an astronaut will be in SEPS (space energetic particles).”

Ruth Ann Lewis, a Goddard architect and engineer for NASA’s human spaceflight program.

The Department of Defense plans to stockpile the FDA-approved cutaneous product in large metropolitan cities for easy access distribution in the event of exposure to a nuclear explosion and nuclear fallout.

The 2nd drug is designed to treat

Third Degree Burns

It is the first such topical treatment of its kind.

The second Berry Pharma drug is a topical treatment for the critical “Third-Degree (full thickness) Burn Wound” (BN) to address primary burn wound closure without skin grafting in escharotomy (open burn wounds after surgical debridement of devitalized tissue).

The drug in development works in four ways:

Case study

The topical drug was applied on a patient with a thermal burn

The drug in development was applied on a 70-year-old Caucasian female after a thermal burn with a hot iron. The burn was treated topically with amazing results.


This images the thermal burn scar on day one on the right forearm.


This image is of the same right forearm after 60 days of serum BID applications. The scar is healed, atrophy is filled in. There is no infection scar or hypertrophy.


Medical costs for the public for third-degree burn wound care are 10.5 billion USD annually in the USA. Medical expenses for burn scars cost the US public approximately 7.5 billion USD annually in the USA.

This represents a challenge today in Burn Medicine. No known burn treatment has proven efficacy in healing burn escharotomy wounds by the primary intention of autogenously using the body’s cellular tissue to achieve primary burn wound closure. 

If you find our story compelling, contact us to partner in furthering our mission to heal people’s diseases through innovative pharmaceutical development.

A full business plan and presentation are available for qualified investors.